Boston Cigar Rollers


Soho Robusto
..we take it personally

Cigar Rollers for Boston Events are available both inside and outside of the city.


Cigar Rolling demonstrations can be coupled with other features like cigar servers that will serve your guests cigars while the cigar roller entertains.


Custom Cigar Bands are designed to enhance your experience and personalizes the occasion.


Cigar Roller events are very big with personal and corporate events. The upscale feel that the cigar rollers, cigar servers and graphics on the cigar bands are very impressive and we can make it all happen even if you don't know anything about cigars.


Contact us with the form or call us for general questions and we will move you along to the best suggestions that will make your Big Day a memorable success.



Cigars Rollers & Inside Weddings Magazine Cigar Rollers and Stuff Magazine Cigar Rollers and Smoke Magazine Cigar Rollers and Cigar Magazine Cigar Rollers and Modern Bride Magazine Cigar Rollers and the Green Magazine
Cigar Rollers Details and Options

Cigar Roller event packages are custom created for your specific needs. WE know that no wedding reception will have the same amount of guests and pre-packaged pricing is wasteful.


Custom cigar rolling quotes are created after we receive your contact form and we will help you with the best options to fit your event perfectly.

Cigar Rollers Boston

Cigar Servers
